Monday, December 8, 2014

Aurora Chamber Updates from Judy Marshall, CEO - December 2014


Many of our members tell us that networking is a big part of their marketing plan. That’s a good thing as the Aurora Chamber of Commerce provides many opportunities to do just that! Networking has to be more than the shake of a hand and your name and information about your business. It’s a continuous stream, once the first contact is made.

A recent article on networking published in the Small Business Section of the Toronto Star begins by saying: “If the thought of working a room makes you work up a sweat, you’re far from alone.” I know that when I attend an event, where I don’t know anyone and want to make an impression, it takes me a few minutes to enter the room and tell myself I can do this. I do it because it is my job to constantly be “on,” make a good impression and speak to people about the value of the Chamber. I find it easier to walk into a room where I know someone, perhaps, a Chamber event, but it is never easy.

I am like 20 percent of people who are born with a natural tendency to be shy, according to research published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. For those who know me, you are likely thinking, “She isn't shy!” because I show an aura of confidence. I fool others, but not myself.

In the article the author refers to Donna Messer, a networking guru who says, “love it or hate it, making those key relationships is crucial to starting and sustaining a small business.” I agree.

Let’s talk about technique.

One of the skills I struggle with the most is effective listening. Usually I am nervous, so rather than listening, I get the first part of the conversation and start thinking about how I am going to respond. Wrong!!!

Here are some tips I learned about listening from my college days – many years ago – that I have to constantly remind myself to do:
  • Pay Attention
    • Concentrate on what is being said, rather than what you will say when it is your turn.
    • Ignore what is going on around you; look at the speaker directly.
    • Give the speaker your undivided attention, and acknowledge the message.
  • Show That You're Listening
    • Use your own body language and gestures to convey your attention.
    • Nod occasionally.
    • Smile and use other facial expressions.
    • Note your posture and make sure it is open and inviting.
  • Provide Feedback
    • As a listener, your role is to understand what is being said. This may require you to reflect what is being said and ask questions.
    • Ask questions to clarify certain points. "What do you mean when you say?" "Is this what you mean?"
    • Summarize the speaker's comments periodically. 

Networking isn't about collecting cards; it’s about exchanging information with people who really need what you have to offer. It’s about connecting with people and following up with the key people you met. Remember, it is better to have a diverse network than a large one.

Use your business card as a connecting piece. Stay organized when you are distributing them. Use one pocket for collecting them and one pocket for distributing. You shake with your right hand so once you receive the cards put them in your right pocket and put your cards in your left pocket. I always try to add a note to as many cards as possible immediately after the event to remind me who the person was or what we spoke about. This will remind me what to say in an email or personal note when I follow up. This is so important when developing a relationship! It will take time for people to build confidence in you and you need to invest in building relationships.

Final advice – be yourself, smile and work on a solid handshake!

Networking is hard work but . . . we have to do it and practice doesn't always mean the next event will be easier, but the skills will develop the more you participate.


There are some members who join the Chamber and immediately get involved. Then there are others who may feel unsure about what to do and feel uncomfortable walking into an event where there are only strangers. Helping new members feel welcome is everyone’s job – staff, board and other members.

Making a new member feel welcome is the first step in retaining them. Their first year is the best opportunity we have to lay the foundation for long-term loyalty. It is also the year that many members are likely to leave because they don’t feel welcomed and therefore have the perception that their membership is of little value. We hear often that people don’t continue with their membership because: they don’t feel welcome; there are too many cliques and they felt uncomfortable approaching the groups. There are some that say they came to an event, stood by themselves and went unnoticed.  

This is no one’s fault. It is absolutely natural that we want to surround ourselves with friends or people who are in the same line of work. However, inviting someone to join you is like an adventure. You get an opportunity to meet someone new and learn something new. Once they connect with others or get involved, they feel like they have joined a community.

We like Chamber members! We like to watch them grow and prosper and lean on each other when times are tough. We want to build an organization where everyone feels welcome. Sure we will lose members for various reasons and it is the staff’s job to find out why they left. They can help us make changes and even recruit new members.

How do you know someone is new? Watch for name tags with a blue ribbon that says, “New Member.” Introduce yourself and welcome them into your group so we can build a community with common goals.


When preparing for the Holidays, remember to visit stores right here in Aurora and use services like local caterers, florists, cleaners, and restaurants. Take these important steps to continue to support our local businesses, our local economy, and our friends and neighbors.

Wishing you and your family time to create wonderful memories over the Holidays and a New Year full of peace, health and happiness.

Please note, the Aurora Chamber of Commerce office will be closed for the Holidays on December 24, 2014 and will re-open on January 5, 2015. 

Best wishes for continued success in 2015!

Judy Marshall, CEO
Aurora Chamber of Commerce